New work Studio MAGENTA ROSE called “ariarianaman saki yubasu chin auto ru akumam musume” tells the story of the sexual adventures of an unusual futanari succubus girl named Meruru. This time, futa-succubus chose another victim in the face of the average man who worked as a Manager in a small company for many years, but was recently fired. The hero was ready to commit suicide and of course he could not imagine that he was “so” lucky. In the end, Meruru has got his energy and vitality, and it is a sea of pleasure and bliss in exchange for his own life..
Thread Updated: 2021-06-17
Release Date: 2018-12-08
Original Title: アリアリアナマンさっきゅばす ち〇ちん生えてる悪魔っ娘
Developer: MAJENTA ROSE – DLsite
Translator: Ace Cylone
Censored: Yes (Mosaic)
Version: Final
OS: Windows
Language: English ( Edited MTL)