The protagonist Tsukasa Sakurai and Kana Kashiwazaki were recently hired as full-time employees of Nebel Tokyo Branch, a globally renowned company in paranormal research and development. However, they were suddenly transferred to a remote town called Sara and assigned to a long-term exorcism mission. To make matters worse, their notorious boss also joined the mission as a support member.
Sara was the place where a strange incident that shook the nation 12 years ago originated. To purify the endless calamities and revive this desolate town, the truth that has been hidden for 12 years must be uncovered.
The story of their exorcism journey begins now with these three people…
This work is written from the perspective of the the male protagonist.
It is an NTR themed work with a strong emphasis on “behind the scenes” erotic content.
Developer: BBQ Lover DLsite
Official Translator: Saikey Studios Website
Latest EN Patch & Guide: Link
Censored: No
Version: 1.1
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: 2dcg, 2d game, male protagonist, japanese game, big ass, big tits, vaginal sex, oral sex, creampie, anal sex, sex toys, exhibitionism, multiple penetration, netorare, cheating, teasing, groping, trainer, corruption
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