Follow Rina on an adventure through a magical world. After being accepted to study magical elements, Rina finds herself in a precarious situation, monsters long dormant have started causing trouble yet again. She will have to battle her way through various enemies, gain friends and foes alike. And hone her skills as an elementalist. On her journey to uncover secrets of the recent monster activity, she will have to often get physical…
Developer: RareRiroRie Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.4.1a
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Female protagonist, Exhibitionism, Corruption, Big tits, Groping, Rape, RPG, Sexual harassment, School setting, Teasing, Monster
Extract and run
Okay, I was able to force one guy into helping me.
I got a file with a list of to-do things. Next update should tackle that and considering I wont be doing it alone for once, drawing time wont suffer.
Things added:
- glory hole bj
- glory hole thighjob
(no reqs needed, old saves should work, you can talk to him after you do at least one job each day) - some more things, like maps and other non-h shit nobody cares about
Things deleted:
- due to popular demand, GOR is dead, Rina respawns in her room now when losing to smol gobs. Succy still gives Game Over because I forgor. As I said the Dec-Jan update will be the one where I expect most of the polish to come.
- 30 IQ points from my brain, every day I keep getting more and more stupid. I consider that a positive change.
I actually wanted to do the early release for patrons etc. but I just cant be fucked. It feels like more work to set that up. I hope at least someone will get bamboozled and subs thinking they get benefits. Well maybe eventually. Back to the chill part of “game devving” – drawing.