The House Party game (which is available for free right now on the site mentioned below) is similar to a lot of the browser-based games where your choices influence your success as you progress in the game, but it plays like a first-person RPG with interactive game models, characters, and physics, like the aforementioned Leisure Suit Larry. My inclination is to take these games in a much more raunchy direction than the LSL series however. The games will be ripe with foul language, nudity, and sex, but hopefully be just as funny and engaging. There isn’t much of a story to play though right now, just a few objectives to complete while I work on the gameplay mechanics. There are multiple story-paths though and different outcomes based on your decisions.
Developer: Eek! Games Patreon – Website
Censored: Optional
Version: 0.21.2
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
Genre: 3D Game, 3DCG, Adventure, Animated, Combat, Corruption, Dating sim, Drugs, Exhibitionism, Gay (avoidable), Groping, Humor, Male protagonist, Masturbation, Multiple endings, Oral sex, Point & click, Romance, Sandbox, Sexual harassment, Simulator, Stripping, Vaginal sex, Voiced, Voyeurism
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Click on “SmartSteamLoader_x64.exe” to start playing.
- Breasts will no longer be forcefully censored in the “M”-rated/non-Explicit version of the game. They will only be censored if the Censor Nudity option in the Pause Menu is set ON. This can be disabled at any time
- Lety will no longer have special censors enforced upon her on any distribution/gaming platform
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: cleanup of some miscategorized WalkTo and WarpTo targets
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: fixed a couple references to Vickie wearing “shorts”
- In A Vickie Vixen Valentine: the Player must now Talk with Vickie to proceed with eating the Chocolate Bar once it is obtained. The radial interaction on the Chocolate Bar has been removed
- In the Original Story: removed combat bonuses from all booze items and the Painkillers. These bonuses have been shifted to other items in order to maintain balance, and certain story content-related boosts have been rebalanced or buffed as well
- In the Original Story: made an adjustment to the PlayerExposed Tutorial specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
- In the Original Story: made an adjustment to an Intimacy-related Tutorial specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
- In the Original Story: made an adjustment to a New Game, bladder-related tutorial message specific to the non-Explicit version of the game
- In the Original Story: Frank will now react…unfavorably, if he overhears Patrick admit he is drunk to the Player
- In the Original Story: for those of you trying to use the Popcorn with the Microwave, well…you’re still gonna be disappointed. Nothing to see here. Move along
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Compubrah VR dialogue(s) for Frank to become unresponsive due to timing of ScreenFade vs. Dialogue Game Events
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Madison’s behavior to bug out if she climax’d during a CutScene with the Player
- In the Original Story: general cleanup of the events surrounding going down on Stephanie for the $50, and additional tweaks specific to this content for the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game
- In the Original Story: made adjustments to NewGame Tutorial in regards to default keybinds
- In the Original Story: Katherine seeing the Player UseWith/combine the Laxatives with the Rum will now follow a ruleset similar to that of Frank/Leah/Derek etc. being able to see the Player doing something. Most notably this means she will not see the Player perform this UseWith from seemingly a football field away
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Leah to have incorrect Interactive States after certain endings of her “Broken Code” content
- In the Original Story: fixed a minor VA-text mismatch in a Vickie DLG
- In the Original Story: fixed a handful of typos
- In the Original Story: removed a number of specific year/date references
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, Kat’s pegging sequence with the Player will be met with an extended fade out, negating the intimacy sequence and radial puzzle until Kat is all done with you
- In the Original Story: the Player will now be able to use radial menu-based options for various Lety content sequences that formerly relied solely on being able to grope an NPC (Lety, Derek, Patrick)
- In the Original Story: minor contextual changes to a handful of Patrick’s instructions about using the Vape and its origins
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, mid-oral dialogues used by NPCs will differ from those used in “AO”/explicit versions
- All Eek! Stories: in the “M rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the vast majority of mid-intimacy radial and dialogue actions are no longer available
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player can no longer opt to Inhale from Stephanie’s paint fumes-filled bag
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a few bugs that could arise from the Player taking a Photo of Patrick passed out and hooking up with Brittney without uploading Patrick’s Photo
- In Date Night With Brittney: fixed a buggy thought bubble that could mislead the Player as to what a good angle of Patrick was when taking a photo of him passed out
- In Date Night With Brittney: some general event and behavior cleanup
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could cause Ashley to permanently follow the Player after completing her “Smooth Operator” Opportunity, giving Madison her phone, and then Throwing Beer on Madison in a very specific way
- In the Original Story: the Player will still be able to reap the benefits of Ashley’s praise for Throwing Beer on Madison, provided certain conditions are met and the Player has not done anything really terrible to Ashley
- In the Original Story: the Player will receive some additional clarifying info after Madison mentions her idea to prank Ashley if prior content/choices already locked off Humiliate Ashley
- In the Original Story: greatly mitigated an issue that could cause Lety’s behavior to break and also partially compromise Derek’s behavior if Madison’s “art show” was started around the time Lety reached Derek to grope him for “Hunt the Hunk”
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, certain content-appropriate tweaks were made to the two intimacy scenes where the Player goes down on Patrick during “Patty’s Striking Resemblance”
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Katherine continuously moaning throughout the rest of a playthrough if the Player canceled her pending intimacy scene by pulling off Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” content within a specific time window
- In the Original Story: sprinkled various emotive behavior polish throughout the story
- In the Original Story: fixed an issue that could result in Katherine not wearing her leggings if her pending intimacy with the Player was interrupted by Stephanie’s “Drunk and Disorderly” content
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player will not automatically expose themselves if “evil” Leah attempts to initiate intimacy with them after the completion of “Broken Code”
- In the Original Story: in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, removed a number of pre-threesome clothing “prep” game events
- Added the DebugMode Console Command. Using this will allow automatic Debug Log saving
- Added automatic Debug Log saving functionality. This will only occur if the user enables it by using the DebugMode Console Command. When this is set to “1”, a Debug Log will be saved automatically every time the user ends a game session, or loads into a game session. Other than being automatic, this functionality is identical to manually saving a Debug Log via the Debug Window. The information contained pertains only to House Party data and events, is stored locally on your system, and is never automatically shared/distributed
- The Debug Log will not bother running any of its save/File IO code if it determines it cannot find, access, or write to the local \DebugLogs folder
- Added the IsFlashingShirt InteractiveProperty that can be used to check if a Character is flashing their Shirt
- In the “M rated/non-Explicit version of the game, penises will no longer automatically change their arousal state/appearance based on nearby Character behavior, nudity levels, etc.
- The Custom Story Browser upload instructions text is now translatable
- Users can now Uninstall Custom Stories via the Custom Story Browser
- Updating a Custom Story via the Custom Story Browser will now fully uninstall and then update the story. This will fix an issue that could cause .character files that the story no longer needed to be leftover during the Update process
- An additional attempt to update the Installation Status of Custom Stories in the Custom Story Browser will be made each time the user swaps between different sorting filters/filter tabs, as well as when the user initially successfully logs into the Custom Story Browser
- Added “Mute DMCA Music” checkbox setting which will disable all copyright music
- The “giver” in a Cunnilingus Intimacy Act will no longer use their default looped sex sound effect at all times. Instead, they will use their oral sound effect at a modified volume IF their partner’s genitals are exposed
- Certain censored CutScenes will no longer erroneously play TriggerBGC events for Characters not currently in the CutScene
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Enter/Return button to registered twice upon Saving a game, which would prevent the Overwrite Save confirmation window from becoming interactable by the user and therefore lead to an automatic overwrite of a saved game
- POV/Legacy sequences in game versions without Adult Only/Explicit Content DLC installed will by default end more quickly
Regardless of purchase/download platform, if Adult Only/Explicit Content DLC is not detected then Character texture modding functionality will be disabled - Texture modding on Steam will still require the Explicit Content DLC but will no longer require a Steam login/DLC-verification
- Fixed an issue that could cause Dialogues to display as “empty” and break game progress if a translation entry was missing for that Dialogue
- Fixed a number of minor labeling issues in the UI
- In the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Censor Nudity option will default to On. It can still be turned off within the game’s Settings UIs and in the “Pre-Session”/first time playing options
- In the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game, the Player will no longer be able to grope NPCs at will. The “M” version will have content-specific radial options to make up for this change in functionality
- Tweaked the Steam/platform Achievement Description of the Ice Bath achievement to more closely match the in-game requirements and text
- During “POV”/Legacy intimacy acts, no form of looped moaning or oral SFX will play in the “M” rated/non-Explicit version of the game. In the “M” version, only climax or one-off SFX will play
- Fixed additional minor typos and text issues in the Custom Story Browser
- Users can now Report Custom Stories within the Custom Story Browser. Only one Report per story can be submitted
- Characters will now base their “Get Dressed” behavior when exiting a Hot Tub seat on their position relative to the center of the Hot Tub, rather than the specific seat they were previously using
- Added a handful of clothing-related events into censored CutScenes
- Fixed a nullref spam issue that could occur if the Player was groping an NPC’s ass as a CutScene started
- Various fixes for controller sensitivity options
- Fixed nullref spam on disclaimer screen
- Fixed various key rebinding errors
- Restricted rebinding of problematic keybindings
- Fixed various dropdowns that caused nullrefs
- Various menu navigation fixes
- Fixed issue where radial menu could not be opened after a cutscene
- CSC: Global Goodbye Responses will now be sorted by their Display Order, matching the existing sorting functionality for Dialogue Responses, Game Events, Criteria, etc.
- CSC: Responses can now be Collapsed and Expanded in the same way that Game Events and Criteria can be
- CSC: Very minor formatting tweaks to presentation of blocks/collections of Responses
- CSC: Responses can now be inserted prior to other Responses, in the same way that Event Triggers, Item Actions, etc. can be
- CSC: Responses can now re-ordered via up and down arrows in a similar fashion to Game Events, Event Triggers, Criteria, etc.
- CSC: Added the CutScene criteria, which at this time will allow users to check if any CutScene is playing, if a sex CutScene is playing, and/or if a censored sex CutScene is playing
- The Custom Story Browser UI is now slightly larger, with more spacing between certain text elements and buttons, as well as more spacing between the Story Selection dropdown area and the Story Preview area
- The Custom Story Browser UI no longer uses elastic/”bouncy” scroll view behavior
- The Custom Story Browser now includes a standard “Content Unrated” message pertaining to user-generated content and online interactions
- Changes to cutscene consistency Fixed some cutscene bugs
- Added Eek intro Updated HP logo on the main menu
- Added some fruits to the kitchen
- Changes to camera angles in Lety’s easter egg scene to reflect censorship changes on Steam
- Fixed Amy see-through issue Re-added nipples back to all default textures Fixed Frank texture issue in his neck